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Mayor Shirley Franklin, Mayor of Atlanta presented the Key of Atlanta to Yue-Sai with a proclamation


Mayor Shirley Franklin, Mayor of Atlanta presented the Key of Atlanta to Yue-Sai with a proclamation as follows:

On behalf of the people of Atlanta, I commend Yue-Sai Kan, host of Yue-Sai's World and Entrepreneur for your excellent work as an internationally acclaimed television host, entrepreneur, and humanitarian. The City of Atlanta salutes both your courage and charisma.  The bridges you have built across China, here in Atlantaand around the world are a testament to your many positive efforts. Best wishes in all your future endeavors. 

Signed Shirley Franklin, Mayor of Atlanta, March 10, 2005 (attached the actual letter)

And, in a separate letteron the official letter of the City of Atlanta, to Yue-Sai, Mayor Franklin says:


As Mayor of Atlanta, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate Yue-Sai Kan on your many accomplishments both as a journalist and humanitarian.

Yue-Sai Kan has blazed a successful trail that has earned the adoration of millions. Whether noting the achievements of her cosmetic company or her four best selling books, one is sure to admire Yue-Sai's innovation. 

Yue-Sai's contribution as a UNICEF Global Say Yes Ambassador and charity in the form of monetary awards to Chinese students prove that her heart is in league with her ambition.  China is so proud of Yue-Sai Kan that they have even placed her on their postage stamp.

On behalf of the citizens of Atlanta, I commend you on your triumphs and wish you an enjoyable visit.


Shirley Franklin


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