These Over 70s Fashion Influencers Take Chinese Millennials by Storm
2018-08-13 | Yiling Pan @SiennaPan, Jing Daily

When it comes to targeting millennial and Gen Z consumers, luxury brands in China often use young celebrities and influencers who are peers of the target demographic. However, fashion magazine Marie Claire China‘s recent campaign aims to demonstrate the power of more mature, silver generation influencers.
Over the weekend, a fire was ignited on China’s social media by a WeChat post from Marie Claire published on August 10. The article introduces eight elder socialites with Chinese heritage, who are featured in the magazine’s upcoming September issue. In less than 72 hours since its release, the post has exceeded 600,000 views, according to Marie Claire China, and been liked by nearly 5,000 readers – an extraordinary record set for the Chinese fashion magazine publishers.